Thai & Fly Workshop @ Tokei

When:  Sunday 3rd July 2022, 2-5pm

Where: Tokei / Hidden Gym Lion Court, 28 Magdalen Street, London SE1 2EN


An afternoon’s introduction to Thai massage and flying therapeutics; also referred to as the restorative ‘lunar’ side of AcroYoga.  I will bring to this workshop, my years of experience as both an AcroYoga teacher and Thai massage practitioner for more info about me see the following link.

This workshop is aimed at holding space for empathetic connections, therapeutic touch and the Buddhist concept of loving-kindness, “Metta Bhavana”.

We will start with: – 
  • a yoga practice to allow ourselves to be in tune with our own flexibility and alignment;
  • touch on partner stretches to explore the themes of collaboration and honest communication; 
  • introduce the basic principles of Thai massage by conducting a led sequence; and   
  • present the foundations of therapeutic flying.  

No partner or experience is necessary. 


Yonder’s Spring 2022 Trilogy

A three workshop spring offering, running from February through to April 2022.

When & What

  • Sat 19th Feb 22: Two’s Company – exploring a partner practice
  • Sat 19th Mar 22: The World of Arm Balances and Inversions 
  • Sat 23rd Apr 22: Yoga, Conditioning & Therapeutics for Rock Climbers 

Where: Yonder Studio, 4-6 Hookers Road, London, E17 6DP 

Costs: All three workshops per person £85


Two’s Company – Exploring a Partner Practice

Saturday 19th February 2022,1-4pm

A partner practice involves the qualities of being present, listening, honest communication and the interface of both giving and receiving.  Open to all with an interest in physical movement and the human potential of partner collaboration.  No partner necessary.


The World of Arm Balances and Inversions

Saturday 19th March 2022, 1-4pm

Ideal for anyone with regular yoga, movement or bodywork practice, for those keen to discover their hands & arm balancing potential. We will build up progressively, covering alignment techniques, strength training & the embodiment of balances & inversions.


  • Should be comfortable being upside down and 
  • Be able to do a headstand against a wall for 15 seconds.


Yoga, Conditioning & Therapeutics for Climbers 

Saturday 23rd April 2022, 1-4pm

A workshop specifically for climbers. Bringing together the traditions of yoga asana, callisthenic conditioning & Thai massage.  Ideal for those interested in maintaining & supporting their climbing practice.  Open to all.


Covid Safety Protocol

We will be encouraging group mixing and contact and as such, every participant is required to conduct a lateral flow test and present a -ve test result on the morning of or before the workshop.

We are transitioning wearily out of this Covid pandemic but we still want to be cautious.  There will be spare test kits should you forget to test.

Cancellation Policy

You are advised that there is a 48 hours notice via email to should you wish to cancel and claim your full or proportional refund. Failure to provide sufficient notice will result in a £10 admin fee deducted from your refund for each workshop and or each person.

There are exceptions to this if you have been told to isolate and or have had a recent positive covid test result.  A full refund will be issued upon submission of evidence to confirm your circumstance.


Yoga, Conditioning & Therapeutics for Rock Climbers

When:  Saturday 23rd April 2022, 1-4pm

Where: Yonder Studio, 4-6 Hookers Road, London, E17 6DP 


A workshop at Yonder, specifically for rock climbers.  Bringing together the traditions of yoga, Thai massage and flying therapeutics to complement your rock climbing passion.

Maintenance for Rock Climbers

We will cover common climbing issues: – 

  • neck strain;
  • flexibility and tightness in the shoulders;
  • upper body mobility;
  • core strength and stability;
  • finger power and endurance;
  • malleability in the hips;
  • stillness, stability and balance. 

We will begin with yoga asana which will explore flexibility and alignment in the body. There will be opportunities to cover standing and arm-balance poses to help focus on the nuances of stillness and stability; as well as address common areas of stiffness and tightness found in the climber’s body. 

We will cover calisthenic conditioning focusing on the core, fingers, wrists and shoulders; there will also be partner work to build up lower limb strength.

Thereafter we will continue to work in pairs and present elements of Thai massage, flying therapeutics and partner stretches to reconfigure, realign and release stiff and tight bodies.  

Open to all and ideal for those interested in maintaining & supporting their climbing practice.  


Safety Protocols

As we are officially ‘living with Covid’ I would still like to request that everyone please conduct a lateral flow test and confirm they are negative at the start of the workshop. This will enable us all to work comfortably together.  

I will have spare test kits with me should you not have any. 


Cancellation Policy

You are advised that there is a 48 hours notice via email to should you wish to cancel and claim your full refund. Failure to provide sufficient notice will result in a £10 admin fee deducted from your refund for each workshop and or each person.

There are exceptions that relate only to Covid protocols 




Two’s Company – Exploring a Partner Practice

When:  Saturday 19th February 2022, 1-4pm

Where: Yonder Studio, 4-6 Hookers Road, London, E17 6DP 


The first of a three-part Spring offering at Yonder. 

It’s time to reconnect with friends, family and loved ones, join our Two’s Company workshop.

A partner practice involves the qualities of being present, listening, honest communication and the ability to collaborate in both giving and receiving.

This workshop will cover: –  

  • yoga asana,
  • asana assists, 
  • collaborative stretches, 
  • balances, counterbalances and 
  • Thai massage.  

Open to all, bodywork students, teachers and trainers are welcome,  Anyone with an interest in physical movement and the human potential in partner collaboration, will get something from this offering. 

No partner necessary.  Join in an afternoon of creative connection and joyful company.


Covid Safety Protocol

We will be encouraging group mixing and contact and as such, every participant is required to conduct a lateral flow test and present a -ve test result on the morning of or before the workshop.

We are transitioning wearily out of this Covid pandemic but we still want to be cautious.  There will be spare test kits should you forget to test.


Cancellation Policy

You are advised that there is a 48 hours notice via email to should you wish to cancel and claim your full refund. Failure to provide sufficient notice will result in a £10 admin fee deducted from your refund for each workshop and or each person.

There are exceptions to this if you have been told to isolate and or have had a recent positive covid test result.  A full refund will be issued upon submission of evidence to confirm your circumstance.

AcroYoga – Lunar Therapeutics @ London Bridge

AcroYoga: Lunar Therapeutics @ London Bridge


  • 6th November 2021, 4.30 – 7.30pm

Where: Tokei / Hidden Gym Lion Court, 28 Magdalen Street, London SE1 2EN


As we are all heading back into acro land, consider balancing out your solar fire practice of acrobatics with the restorative chill of lunar therapeutics.

This workshop is aimed at holding space to encourage empathetic connections, exploring therapeutic touch and the Buddhist understanding of loving-kindness “Metta Bhavana”.
This workshop is for: –
  • people who are new to flying therapeutics;
  • those who have not done a restorative partner practice in a while; and
  • those are feeling rusty and would like a steer back into the lunar practice of AcroYoga.
We will touch on the different aspects of this lunar practice, ranging from partner yoga, assisted stretches, Thai massage and flying therapeutics.
You can come on your own, bring a friend or partner.


COVID Safety Protocol

Safety is still a priority and despite the encouraging signs of decreasing Covid cases and hospitalisations, the pandemic is still morphing and around us.  For this reason, we are requesting that EVERY PARTICIPANT be required to conduct a lateral flow test and present a -ve test result within 24 hours of attending our workshop.

We are aware that the science and guidance on this is constantly changing as we transition to a new normal with Covid. But at this stage, we still feel it’s important to know that you are safe and keeping others safe too. 

Failure to conduct a Covid test of any kind will mean you will not be able to participate in this workshop. 

We will be encouraging group mixing and contact.  You are welcome to participate with your mask on or off and we will be encouraging judicious use of hand sanitiser and maybe being a hand towel in case you get hot and sweaty. 


COVID Safety Protocol

Safety is still a priority and despite the encouraging signs of decreasing Covid cases and hospitalisations, the pandemic is still morphing around us.  For this reason, we are requesting that EVERY PARTICIPANT be required to conduct a lateral flow test and present a -ve test result within 24 hours of attending our workshop.

We are aware that the science and guidance on this is constantly changing as we transition to a new normal with Covid. But at this stage, we still feel it’s important to know that you are safe and keeping others safe too. 

Failure to conduct a Covid test of any kind will mean you will not be able to participate in this workshop. 

We will be encouraging group mixing and contact.  You are welcome to participate with your mask on or off and we will be encouraging judicious use of hand sanitiser and maybe being a hand towel in case you get hot and sweaty. 


Cancellation Policy

There is no certainty as to how the Covid pandemic will evolve in the coming autumn and winter months.  For this reason, there may be the occasion to cancel the workshop due to Government guidance on social distancing. We will endeavour to inform you of any changes as soon as we are able to, this could be via a newsletter or on our social media platforms Facebook or Instagram.  Under these circumstances, full refunds will be given.

Otherwise, you are advised to give at least 48 hours notice via email to should you wish to cancel and claim your full refund. Failure to provide sufficient notice will result in a £10 admin fee deducted from your refund for each workshop and or each person.

There are exceptions to this if you have been told to isolate and or have had a recent positive covid test result.  A full refund will be issued upon submission of evidence to confirm your circumstance.


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