Summer Convergence 2013

The Summer Convergence – bringing together acrobatics, healing arts and yoga into a week long gathering

Dates: 3rd August to Sunday 11th August 2013

Where: Wytwónia Ciszy (Label Silence Centre), Uniejów Poland.

Rate : Per person (bookings with at least 30% deposit made on or before 8th June 2013 can apply for the early bird rate): –

Couples en suite x6: €750.00 – early bird €700.00

Dorm x5: €675.00 – early bird €625.00

Double no bathroom x6: €725.00 – early bird €675.00

Triple en suite x9: €725.00 – early bird €675.00

Triple no bathroom x3:  €700.00 early bird €650.00

Prices includes all teaching, accommodation and food does not include transfers to and from the venue.

After the success of last year we are doing it again.

Five European, phenomenally experienced & renowned teachers are collaborating to bring you a unique offering to explore the infinite possibilities of the human form. A chance to grow, to play, to heal and be.

We are offering a chance to delve deeper into the practices of yoga, acrobatics and the healing arts of Thai massage and flying therapeutics. This retreat will be the perfect exploratory lab for passionate acro-bodyworker squirrels.

The teachers: –

Poland Flyer 2013 a5 2nd side


Frequently asked questions

Getting to & from the venue: 

The nearest serving airport to the Wytwónia Ciszy is Łódź Airport. Please note there are no scheduled Sunday departures to London from Łódź Airport on the 11th August 2013.  Alternatively, Warsaw is approximately 170 km from our venue and should there be enough people travelling at the same time, transfers to and from Warsaw and or Łódź can be arranged and the costs shared.

Transfers from Łódź Airport to Uniejów (52km) can be done by a regular weekday local bus service that takes about an hour and from there you will be picked up and taken on a short ride to the venue.  More detailed information on transfers will follow shortly.

What to bring:

Please bring with you enough clothing to practice and lounge in for about one week.  Bring a warm layers for the possible cool nights, sun block of your skin is sensitive to the sun, toiletries, a towel any medication that you regularly take and any other items you can not live without for a week and that you can legally carry in and out of the country.  Please bring your own towel and indoor shoes with you.

What we want from you:

All registered participants will be asked to complete the following questionnaire.


A Bodhitrix adventure introducing the Players Deck

An AcroYoga-tasic adventure 

When: Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th May, with jam sessions on the 21st & 22nd May 2012

Where: Yogazentrum Ganesha, Vienna Austria

Cost: All weekend €100 pre registration €85 (€75 students) Saturday or Sunday €60 pre registration €50 Donation only for the Monday and Tuesday sessions.

An acroyoga-tastic journey that will encourage practitioners to explore the randomness and imagination of collaboration and play

We will present the Players Deck, a series of 108 cards that will expose human collaborations to their potential the weekend will cover, partner stretches, flying therapeutics, supine foot & hand balances, counter balances and trios. The imagination and prowess for yumminess and play is infinite!

This offering is ideal for the yoga and acroyogi with both experience and confidence in their practice and more importantly an openess and willingness to share and learn from each other.

Made from organic cotton

Saturday – Touching base, stretch & fly day: This day will establish what the groups strengths and challenges are as well as visit the principles of honest communication, safe play and mutual collaboration.   We will introduce the cards and ease into playing with them working on partner stretches, trios & therapeutic flying.

Sunday – Play to your potential: This day will focus on the randomness of pulling out the cards to develop washing machines and sequences, as well as play games with them such as:

  • pass the flyer
  • flyer ping pong
  • bird free zone
  • two flyers one base
  • or potentially develop new ones

Bodhitrix wild card jam night: An open jam where we will use the cards randomly and see what can done.  This will not be a lead class more of an impromptu play time.

Monday – University Campus Vienna 7.45 – 9.45pm                         Tuesday – Yogazentrum Ganesha 7.45 – 9.45pm

Please contact the studio directly for bookings.

A summer convergence: bringing together acrobatics, healing arts and yoga

The European Convergence – bringing together acrobatics, healing arts and yoga into eight day gathering

When: Monday 30th July to Tuesday 7th August 2012

Where: Wytwónia Ciszy (Label Silence Centre), Uniejów Poland.

Cost: €650 (includes all teaching, accommodation and food does not include transfers to and from the venue)

Five European, phenomenally experienced & renowned teachers are collaborating to bring you a unique offering to explore the infinite possibilities of the human form. A chance to grow, to play, to heal and be.

We are offering a chance to delve deeper into the practices of yoga, acrobatics and the healing arts of Thai massage and flying therapeutics. This retreat will be the perfect exploratory lab for passionate acro-bodyworker squirrels.

The teachers: –

Yohann Guichard – Our Thai Massage Guru
* With 10 years Thai massage teaching experience.
* His focuses are harmonizing yin & yang, movement & stillness, to reaching balance.
* The core of his teaching is the union of yoga alignments, anatomy knowledge & Zen contemplation.
* He is an endless grace and ease seeker; sharing the Thai massage tools for body expansion.



Thorsten Bohle – Our Acro-Balancing Maestro
* With 19 year experience in acrobatic balancing.
* He adores the creative processes in discovering new acrobatic tricks and is a gifted wizard in breaking down complicated & elaborate tricks.
* He is a virtuoso with all manner of head balances!
* As a trained carpenter he will be one of our resident forest monkeys.



Lorenzo Becchi – Our Flying Therapeutics Sage
* Has explored the field of personnel development therapies for the past 10 years and trained in Chinese medicine & acupuncture.
* He has been exploring and teaching the techniques of flying therapeutics for the past four years.
* He is passionate, dedicated and enlightened soul who is devoted to the flow of what life has to offer.


Jasper Herrman – Our Acrobatic Genius
* Has been practicing acrobatics for 15 years & is also a trained school teacher which enables him to teach to all age ranges.
* He finds joy is inventing new acrobatic tricks, breaking them down in terms of timing, forwards & backwards; Ikaren & understanding the dynamics air time and popping.
* He also likes to explore the communication, collaboration & cooperation of partner acrobatics.



Jaqui Wan – Our Yoga Junkie
* She has had a consistent & ongoing relationship with hatha yoga 15 years and has been teaching for past six years.
* She is fascinated with the movement of the body, from the perspective of myofascial anatomical trains; she is also a task master and will enable you to discover your physical potential.
* She a committed advocate for play so will one of our resident forest jesters.


Frequently asked questions

Getting to & from the venue: 

The nearest serving airport to the Wytwónia Ciszy is Łódź Airport which flys to number of European cities and all over the world.

Transfers from Łódź Airport to Uniejów (52km) can be done by a regular weekday local bus service that takes about an hour and from there you will be picked up and taken on a short ride to the venue.  More detailed information on transfers will follow shortly.

What to bring:

Please bring with you enough clothing to practice and lounge in for about one week.  Bring a warm layers for the possible cool nights, sun block of your skin is sensitive to the sun, toiletries, a towel any medication that you regularly take and any other items you can not live without for a week and that you can legally carry in and out of the country.  Please bring your own towel and indoor shoes with you.

What we want from you:

All registered participants will be asked to complete an online questionnaire for your contact details, emergency contacts, dietary needs and other requirements you may have.  Please complete this form once you have made your payment.

Payment Options

To secure your place on this convergence you are required to either pay in full or pay a deposit of €300 via paypal. The outstanding balance can either be paid via paypal or cash upon arrival. Discounts are available to teachers and participants from the Barcelona Yoga Conference and French Acrobatics Convention as well as teachers upon agreement from one of the teaching team.

Bodhitrix – The Players Deck

The Player’s Deck

After almost a year of scribbles, pilots, learning a graphics programme from scratch, consultations and becoming a publisher I have the excited pleasure of share with you a new product geared for the art of play.

Made from organic cotton

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” Plato

Let me present to you Bodhitrix and its first product ‘The Players Deck’.

These are a series of cards aimed at inspiring the experienced practitioner and or teacher to believe in the randomness of chance and unfolding play!  Covering a spectrum of yummy stretches, flying therapeutics to acrobatic balancing in pairs or in trios.  Each card has a simplistic drawing of what can be done with two or more people.  There 108 cards comprise of seven categories.  These cards can be used to help plan a sequence, class or workshop or even pulled out like a deck of cards for impromptu playing or jamming.

The seven categories are: –

Go on pick a card!

  • Stretches
  • Therapeutic Flying
  • Supine Hand Balances
  • Supine Foot Balances
  • Standing Balances
  • Counter Balances
  • Trios

For more information on the deck please see

AcroYoga day in Godstone

All Day Play Day

When: Sunday 7th August 10-5.30pm

The building potential is limitless

Where: St Nicolas Hall, Godstone RH9 8DT

Costs: £40 early bird rate for booking made before 1/8/11 there after £50 for pre bookings before the 7/8/11 and £60 on the day.

A whole day of AcroYoga,. what more can one look forward to? Bringing together the healing touch of massage, the elongation and extensions of asana yoga and the will and determination of acrobatics. Tap into your light hearted self as well as your inner playful child. The day will be broken down with partner yoga and therapeutics in the morning whilst in the afternoon working on strength, core and your acrobatic potential. Don’t be put off by the word acrobatics I can assure you all skills and sequences are worked on progressively within the container of safety and joy. Come with an open mind and willingness to play.

For bookings and info please call 07917 787 768 or email info@ or click here.

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