Japan Disaster Appeal
Japan Disaster Appeal
Date: 2nd April 2011
Like you, I have been numbed into silence with scenes I have seen from Japan, with this completely natural yet phenomenally incomprehensible disaster.
The feeling of loss and helplessness came all over me. But it was one of my yoga students who helped sow this seed.
The idea is to do 108 sun salutations to show our empathy, sympathy and our solidarity to the Japanese people who are going through all manner of upheaval, loss and trauma.
We would like you to participate and or teach, if not donate your hard earned cash to the British Red Cross, who have agreed to direct our raised funds to the Japan Red Cross who are directly involved in the relief effort.
LA Fitness West India Quay, has kindly donated their studio for free and for it to be open for anyone to come along and participate. Basically this event is open to non members.
However, non members will be required to fill in a waiver form and bring photo ID with them. Booking is required and can be done so through mailing me.
If you are interested in getting sponsorship for each sun salutation please mail me your email address and I will invite you on to the donations site which in full below.
Am also sending out to all yoga teachers who are interested in teaching 9-12 sun salutations, again email me and let me know.
OK, lets get this show on the road and demonstrate how we can work together in support in solidarity.
Any other suggestions of help would be appreciated.